Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, Mar 14th: Zero: The House and the Senate

Woke up to the news this morning that our Representatives in Washington have, in a big way, stuck it to us - again!

A new budget plan has passed both of these dens of theives, and the only hope is that it will be veto'd by the Prez.

Why is this plan bad? Well, so glad you asked! This $3 Trillion budget is going to put our ledger back in the black by letting Bush's tax cuts expire in 2010. All of them. The caveat is that the Senate proposed a version that will allow what they call the poor and 'working-class' families keep their cuts, but not anyone else.

I have no problem with the working poor being rewarded. And 'in theory' the working class family rewards should be a great thing.

But let's get real, people. The uber-rich in this country are not going to EVER pay as much in taxes as Washington claims they want them to. These are people who can afford to send money over seas and have 'tax shelter's' and high-priced tax lawyers to help them keep their money.
Even with all of that though, the top 1% income earners in this country pay nearly 50% of our countries tax revenues.

So, who is going to bear the brunt of the end of the tax cuts? Middle-class families. Well, let me use the term that Congress places on middle-class families: the Rich...
The people that will bear the brunt of this tax-cut expiring are singles that make over $75k and married couples that make over $120k. Sound rich to you? Let me speak from experience here, my husband and I are in that last category. Yes, we have a nice house, but not a McMansion. My husband drives a good truck, but I drive an old, used Honda. We live a nice life, but we still have to budget every penny to make sure we have savings.

Taking the tax cuts away will hurt, badly. My check is already 30% gone by the time I get it. When is it going to be enough? When are we going to stand up and say we're done? Will it be when we have a 55% tax like Britian, or will it be when we get up to 72% like the Netherlands?

I really don't mind paying taxes when they go to what they should. Schools, roads, policing, and such. What I hate is when I am paying this much in taxes and it is going to crazy research projects at some Senator's alma mater, or building rest stops that are nicer than my home, or building lavish new public buildings. You know what I'm talking about - 'earmarks' or 'pork-barrel' spending. That makes me crazy!

You want to get really pissed? Read this: http://budget.house.gov/.

So, while we get our tax cuts taken away, they will be able to continue sending our money to any and every kind of pet project they want!!


Anyone else want to move to Costa Rica with me?

Peace, Love, and GOD,