Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 21st : Nancy Pelosi is a big fat LOSER

Well, I'm back after a long hiatus. Doctor's orders, he said if I didn't lay off the politics I was going to stroke out, but I think with the pills he gave me I should be okay now... :)

I'm actually thinking about making this blog dedicated to a daily watch of what STUPID thing the Pelosi-led Congress is going to do. But, I guess that would leave out the antics of Biden and Obama. I swear, the word Moron has never been used so much!

So, before I start the rant on Nancy, I want to point out a new blog I'm following. It's my friend Alan's and it's called 'Wanna hear something funny?' and TRUST me you will be in stitches... The link is over there to the right.

I am furious over Nancy Pelosi's absurd accusation and denigration of the CIA. She gave a press conference in which it was so obvious that she was reading a statement that someone else wrote for her. She couldn't even answer the freakin questions and was caught in two different lies (oh, excuse me, mis-statements - you can only be accused of lying if you work in a job where you might have to die in service of the country).

Then she outright accused the CIA of lying to the Congress!!! Says it happens all the time. Throws that stink bomb out there then walks off. No details, nothing to back the statement up - AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. That's the part that just chaps my butt. These people in Washington are so corrupted by their own sense of power that they don't think the rules apply to them any more. She truly thinks she is above the law. She can stand up there and say any freaking thing she wants and no one can do anything about it.

And know we have Senators Graham and Spector coming out and piling on. Saying 'Yeah, CIA? Lying bunch of bastards over there!" Shoot, Graham even went on that most revered Democrat news organization The Comedy Channel to talk badly about our government agency. Again, did either of them offer any evidence? Nope. Nothing, Nada, Zilch. Morons. I hope all those people who voted Democrat in 06 and 08 are suffering an EPIC case of heartburn about now. Seriously. Bunch of morons.

Now, the bottom line of why this CIA bashing pisses me off so badly. First of all, nearly all of the CIA operatives are lifetime military servicemen or women. These are people who have chosen to live their lives in the service of their country protecting the rest of us. They don't do it to get rich and they certainly don't do it for the perks. Can't imagine the typical CIA agent gets to spend a lot of time at home with the family. They don't do it for fame, because they have to do their jobs anonymously for the most part. So, now they have to hear Congress going around calling them liars and discrediting the one thing they had going for them - their super badass reputation. What's left?

We need those people, folks. We need them infiltrating the terrorist organizations overseas and finding all the secrets they do and whatever it is that they do. I personally don't care how they do their jobs, but if it keeps me and my family safe then more power to them. It would be pretty dang hypocritical for me to cry and mourn for the people who lost their lives in the Twin Towers, or OKC, or any of the Wars, but say that I disagreed with the tactics it takes to keep innocents safe.

I would love to ask Ms. Pelosi who she thinks will protect her when the National Guard, the Military, and the CIA, are all gone? When she has successfully alienated all of those folks and her little city of San Fran or DC gets invaded, who's gonna protect her?

Maybe Joe Biden will invite her down in his top secret bunker where no one will be able to find them. Oh wait... never mind. They're screwed.

Peace, Love, and GOD,


Alan said...


First, thanks for the shameless plug for my blog! And sincere thanks for being a patriot. I don't typically write about, or even keep up with, political news for the sole reason that it aggravates me to the point that my communication skills are reduced to sputtering and grunting. I can, however, say with perfect clarity, that perhaps it's time to add Nancy Pelosi's name to the CIA's "Waterboard Wishlist". Let's keep our fingers crossed...
