Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 5th - Hero: American People

Here's one that I didn't foresee ever posting a few years ago!

I have been watching the news the last few days and have been so proud of the Americans that have been showing up at the Town Halls the Democrats are holding around the country where they are trying to 'sell' us on Obamacare.

Well, it ain't going well for them. The American people are fed up. They are mad as hell and they aren't going to take it any more!!!

Of course, the Media has taken up the torch for their Messiah Obama. They are calling these 'orchestrated protests', angry mobs, and "stupid Republican gimmicks". They claim we are planted by the Insurance Industry. White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs even said these people were "less grass roots movement and more astroturf". Seriously, I couldn't make something that stupid up.

Here's a link to just one of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-Bpshk5nX0&feature=topvideos. After looking at that one, you can view many others like it. This particular one is Arlen Specter and Kathleen Sebelius, who is just a delightful woman. Maybe after this bill passes she can have the 42 inch stick removed from up her anus...

Now, after seeing these videos I ask you; Do these look like angry mobs? Do these look like wild-eyed psycho people? Personally, they look like people I live next to, work next to, and go to church with. They look like AMERICANS.

AHHHHH. Now I see the problem. The Media and those in Washington? They can't recognize Americans. We look thoroughly alien to them. See, they have convinced themselves that Acorn, Americorp, SEIU - those are Americans.

It's about time we reminded them. BRAVA, America, BRAVA!!!

Peace, Love, and GOD,