Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday, April 16th - Heros: Bitter Americans

I know it feels like this blog has become one-tracked lately, all Anti-Obama and Oprah, but they just give me so much fuel!

I'm sure everyone has heard about Obama's 'small town = bitter americans' tirade, so I won't repeat it word for word here. The gist of it all is that this Elitist Liberal Socialist putz insulted every gun-owning, church attending person in this country by saying we only 'cling' to those things because we are bitter and disillusioned... I swear I am not making this up!

Couple of things to consider here. Obama is only saying what most Left-wing Liberals have been thinking for years. And that is that anyone who doesn't think exactly like them are small-minded unintellegent rednecks. At least he is being honest - well.., actually he said these things at a dinner in San Francisco and didn't know that he was being recorded... Maybe 'honest' is the wrong word.

I wonder what Barack studied in school. Best I can remember, this country was founded by people that owned guns and believed in God. Yes, they were disillusioned. By a ruler that was corrupt, unfair, and incredibly greedy. Sound familiar. Here's the difference: those disillusioned religious people banded together and did something about it. They kicked ole King George's butt. Maybe the King's fatal errors were the same as Obama's: a) he equated disillusioned with weak, and b) underestimated the power of God to help his children be free to worship Him however they choose.

Of course, it could be that what the Liberals are afraid of is exactly those things. Could be exactly why they want to take away our right to own guns and worship our God. HMMMMM....

I have to say that one of the most interesting parts of his statements are in regard to how he can relate bitterness and disillusionment to people who are 'religious'. Last time I checked, having faith and belief in God gives a person hope, joy, and peace. Of course, I don't know how someone who had that faith and belief would ever make a statement like that. Maybe the people that attend his church in Chicago don't have that peace and hope of believers. Goodness, you would think he had a pastor that, instead of preaching messages of hope and love, was preaching hatred and division! Oh... wait... Nevermind...

Not saying that Mr. Obama doesn't have the Holy Spirit. No one here on Earth can make that determination. I can say that, one way or another, he will have to explain his actions here on earth to his Creator.

Last word on this. As Christians (regardless of denomination) we can either make a statement through our votes and voices that we will not put up with this degredation of our faith, or sit back and allow the Anti-Christian (disguised as anti-religion) movement take control. We've already allowed them to take prayer out of school, shove their religion of Evolution down our children's throats, and take the Ten Commandments out of our courts.

Whites and Christians are the only groups of people that it is legal to discriminate against these days. Think about that for awhile, and think of what it will be like if we don't do something about it. At our local High Schools you can form a club for Gays and Lesbians, but not one for Heterosexual kids. Can you imagine what would happen if someone formed the NAAWP (National Association of Advancement for White People)?

I'm not saying that those other clubs are wrong. Everyone should have a right to gather together with others that share the same beliefs, hobbies, etc. as long as there's no violence or crimes involved (which excludes the KKK, Black Panthers, etc). It's when our government starts picking and choosing who has this right that I get ticked off.

Revelations 22:20 "....Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

Peace, Love, and GOD,