Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Sept 3rd - Hero: Govenor Sarah Palin

There are many reasons that I like Sarah Palin, and several that make her a hero. But her, and her families', bravery to face the rabid Liberal Media is awesome.

Setting aside the fact that she has some family drama with her daughter's pregnancy, she will have to face the dreaded Conservative Female Abuse (as Michelle Malkin so aptly termed it). According to liberals, the only women allowed to be in politics are card-carrying espousers of the liberal agenda. If you aren't one of them, well, then it's okay to use the very 'stereotypes' they have railed against for the past 50years against you. You see, the words 'double standard' were removed from the feminists dictionary back in 1962.

As a Conservative Female, the first thing that will be savaged is your intellect. Then you will be reduced to a sexual object, after which you will be demonized and then stripped of your humanity. Here's some examples:

When George Bush was running for a second term, the San Fran Chronicle decided to focus on Laura Bush for a while. They joked about her being a 'docile doormat' that couldn't think for herself, made fun of her alma mater being a place to meet 'rich husbands'. You know, because any woman who believes in the 2nd Amendment and the American Dream (capitalism) must be being controlled by a man... Sarah Palin is already being called a "Neocon Puppet". You know, cause she's incapable of an original thought.

Here's an fact that has never been disproven to me. Conservative women are smarter than Liberal women (If any of you know of any that would like to debate me on Economics, Government, or Constitutional History, please give them my number). So what happens is that time that should be spent in intellectual debate, ends up being time that the Lefties spend on the CF's (conservative female)looks. Older, less attractive CF's are made fun of for being... older and less attractive. They will pick on her clothing, her weight, her make-up, whatever. Case in point - Barbra Bush, Katherine Harris, Linda Tripp, Nancy Reagan. If the woman is good looking, then she's made out to be a whore. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann (worst man in the media) made a reference to Fred Thompson's wife Jeri being on 'a stripper pole', for crying out loud!!! So, already with Sarah Palin, Maureen Dowd (of the NYT) has called Sarah Palin's rise in the Political world a 'hokey chick flick' and made fun of her being a beauty pagent winner and wearing sexy shoes (nothing enrages liberal women more than a good-looking, sexy CF who happens to be successful). A democratic fundraising website for Barak Obama, the Democratic Underground, has already Photoshop'd pictures of Palin's face on Bikini models and Pornographic still shots.

So, after the CF has been turned into a brainless, robotic, prostitute she will then be made out to be Evil and an Enemy to all women. After all, what self-respecting woman would dare to care about the economy of this country!!! What authentic woman wouldn't want drug addicts to qualify for food stamps?? Or, give even more welfare to the woman that just had baby #6 with babydaddy #6?? Or, best yet.. what self-respecting woman wants to be majority owner in her own business? That's ridiculous, we all know that small businesses should turn 56% of their income (per Obama's new tax plan) over to the government!! Because, unlike those docile doormats we all KNOW CF's are, us enlightened liberal women know that the only entity we should be completely submissive to is the GOVERNMENT... right? RIGHT!!!! I mean, really, do all those small business owners really think they can do a better job running their business than the government? Cause, look how successful they've been...

Bill Maher, the 2nd worse man in the media, called Laura Bush 'Hitler's dog', George Carlin called Barbra Bush 'the Silver douche bag', Ted Rall portrayed Condaleeza Rice as a thick lipped parrot and called her Bush's 'house nigga'. On Arianna Huffington's website, Nancy Reagan was called 'evil' and that she 'has lived far too long, and I hope she suffers for weeks'.

I guess my definition of 'enlightened' is different than theirs.

God save our country.

Peace, Love, and GOD,