Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, Nov 19th - Zero: People without Table Manners

This is a biggie with me, as some of you know. But, I mean, SERIOUSLY, how could so many people have been raised without knowing how to eat right? People MY age and older, too. Surely I wasn't in the minority when I was taught not to eat with my mouth open, or to smack my food (or gum), or talk with my mouth full, etc, etc...

I was at lunch yesterday with a couple of colleagues and one of them was so disgusting while he ate, I had to sit on my clenched fists to keep from wrapping them around his neck!!

Now, this man is in his 40's, and how he has made it this far in life without someone telling him that he sounds like a half-starved pig rooting in a garbage dump I'll never know.

I did learn something though, it is possible to breathe through your mouth AND nose (audibly) while chewing your food. Although, a dangerous side effect is little pieces of meat landing randomly on the uneaten portion of your food. Apparently, having it fly out of his mouth and land on his food meant he could eat it anyway.

It was a good diet day for me...

Food for thought going into Thanksgiving day. Do everyone around you a favor and remember that no matter how sexy you may think you are... NO ONE wants to see what I call 'pre-poo'. Trust me.

Peace, Love, and GOD,


The Tomball Three said...

OMG, did you just say PRE POO???!!!!

ROFL - I am dying. Awesome post.

People irk me too