Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, Nov 5th - Zero: Us

I'm sick.

Can't say I didn't see it coming. From the minute the Dems decided to send their folks out if force to vote for John McCain in the primaries, I saw failure in the cards.

I really tried to keep my hopes up, though. I prayed for faith in the American people. In the end, you have to trust God. Somehow this must be part of his plan. He never promised us a rose garden, right? After all, we've been warned of tough times. Just read the New Testament. I just pray that we are strong enough for what lies ahead.

I've heard Obama compare himself to Abraham Lincoln, and naturally many of his Obamanics are quick to agree. Of course, those morons don't have a clue what Lincoln was about. Think about it - yes, Lincoln was a senator from Illinois with very little experience. Yes, he said some great things. Things that are still quoted today. Lincoln also signed the Emancipation Proclamation. But, how did he do it? Through aggression. Through force.

Don't get me wrong, I think slavery was a horrific thing. It was right to end it. But hearing Obama compare himself to Lincoln in a time when we have no slavery? That's scary. What's going to be his trigger? In what name is he going to create a new civil war? Will it be when he tries to disarm us, or when he takes away our right to religious assembly? Could be as simple as forced redistribution of wealth.

More likely it will be a stealthy encroachment on our rights. Little things that people will be swayed into believing is the right things. Raise the taxes on the rich, cause they don't deserve their money. Let's get those bastards down to our level. Tax the crap out of the small businesses, then when they can't afford to stay in business, the government will come in and take over. They decide who works there, then. More people dependant upon, and controlled by, the government. Yeehaw!!!

Windfall profit taxes. What could be wrong with that? Let's take over half the profits from the oil companies and create government controlled industry in the 'alternative' energy fields. What's wrong with that? Everyone wants alternate sources of energy. More people working for the government. Yeehaw!!!

Churches that spread intolerance. Let's get rid of those losers! Those preachers dare to stand up there and say that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. That is SO un-inclusive. And can you believe that they say abortion is murder, and that sex outside of marriage is a SIN??? Spreading hate is what that is, so let's take them over and put government paid preachers in there that will teach in a way that no one is left out. More people being indoctrinated by the government. Yeehaw!!

God help us.

For all those that voted for Obama, all I can say is I hope your soul was worth the $500 rebate.

Peace, Love, and GOD,


The Tomball Three said...

The best we can hope for, is that he gets the economy back on track and maybe that will take all his focus and he won't have time to insitute any of the things you mentioned there.

We have to trust God's decision- or His Will and do the right thing in our everyday lives. THat's how I've gotten by in this world so far.

Dickie said...

I heard today: it is an obamanation...I am sick too, Tracy and kinda scared