Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday, Jan 8 - Zero: Peope who argue Politics without knowing what they are talking about

This is a tricky area.

First of all let me say that I know several of you are going to great lengths to get educated. Even to the extent of subjecting yourselves to long discussions with me. For that, you are heros. No, wait, you are patriots!

I still get hopping mad. Because people will watch a 5 minute segment on the Today show or GMA and take it for the gospel truth. James Carville could say that John McCain kills asian babies for sport and someone will believe it. Sean Hannity can say that B. Hussein Obama was related to a 911 bomber and someone will believe it.

I heard over the weekend about someone (that I think is an overall intellegent person) say that a Democrat has to get elected this time. This person supports Clinton (better than Obama, but still). That in itself would be enough to fire me up, but then the statement 'Huckabee never did anything for Arkansas' was used.... Deep breath..... What the !#%$#@$^Q@#?

If a candidate's validity comes from how they performed as governor of our state, then there's no way in hell you could support a Clinton!!!!

Let's see. Under Clinton, we were introduced to a sales tax on food and medical costs. It was 3% then ('78). Then in 91 that tax was raised to 4.5% and was extended to USED vehicles. It doesn't stop there, either. In Arkansas you pay sales tax on any used product sold at a retailer. Go to a consignment shop - you pay tax on used clothing, shoes, jewelry, etc. Maybe it's just me, but that just screams double taxation...
For a guy who claims to be able to speak for the poor 'because I was one of them', the sales tax on Food and Medicine seems incredibly cruel to me. And folks, Arkansas is a poor state. Our average income in this state is at 78% of the national average. Here in NWA we are pretty lucky to be way above that average, but if we are higher... everywhere else is even lower...
Let's see.. Clinton also raised the gas tax by 10 cents during his administration.
How about the personal property tax? When Clinton was governor this tax was extended to pay tax based on how many rooms worth of FURNITURE you owned.. So stupid...

So, how does Huckabee look as governor. Not great, for sure, but he was not NEARLY as bad as Clinton. He raised taxes, too. 3 cents on gas, and sales tax by the same 1.5% as Clinton. However, he implemented the homestead credit where we all get around $300 credit each year for being a homeowner (depending on income). He also brought a measure in where if you are over a certain age - 65 I think - and outright own your home, you are exempt from the PPT. Nice to know the state won't be taking homesteads from little old grannies anymore...
Huckster also introduced ARKIDS first to cover the uninsured kids of people to who made enough money to not qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford health insurance. He paid for many of these programs by looking at some of the ridiculously small school districts in our state (some with only 150 kids in the whole district) and consolidating them into larger districts. This saved our state billions. It wasn't very popular, but very fiscally responsible. By the way, most of these districts that were shut down were the very areas of our state that benefitted the most by the tax cuts and free health insurance...

Bottom line - both Governors were less than fantastic. Huck should have repealed the grocery tax, and should have been tougher on immigration and crime. Clinton maybe should have spent more time being a governor and less time being a criminal (call me crazy) and chasing skirts (between all of his taxing and spending).

So, my point in the end is that if you want to be taken seriously, please find the facts first!! Being so hypocritical is just downright stupid. You don't have to like Huckabee, and you have every right to support Clinton. But for crying out loud, at least have a good reason for it.

There's this thing on the internet called Google search. Use it - arm yourself with knowledge. Learn and then pray for discernment. Don't let some blowhard like me take you down. Fight back. DON'T take my word for it. But, dear God, don't take Matt Lauer's word for it, either!!!!

Peace, love, and GOD,


The Tomball Three said...

I have to say... your passionate speech has moved me!

I am one of those ones in the middle. I am normally a Republican, but I don't feel we have a candidate at this point. If Gulliana says "9-11" ONE MORE time - it seems so unfair to base your presidential run on the deaths of 3000 Americans. Don't get me started on Mitt- and as a PERSON, Huckabee sounds fine... he really does, but I was not aware of all he had done to your state.

I am also one of those people that says our elected officials can only do so much. We don't have absolute power, thank you God, but that in itself creates problems- when an elected official wants to make changes and can't...

Then there is Obama who appears to be a great dad and husband and says all the right things, but in reality he attends an all black church who will not ALLOW whites or other races and fully supports 100% ONLY African missions... something is so wrong with that.

I don't think we have a stand up candidate on either side AT ALL.