Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday, Jan 9th - Zero: Chris Matthews

This is the Hardball host on MSNBC. Thought I would clarify that since about 37 people are all that's left in this looney's audience. He gets more airtime by John Stewart and Bill O'Reilly showing clips of his crazy meltdowns...

I am going to preface this post by saying that NBC as a corporation is 100% supporting Obama. Not only their commentators, but also their reporters. It's very sickening that we live in an era that even reporters are allowed to be openly biased. Think about it for a moment. If reporters are openly biased, how can you expect to get any real news?

So, back to Matthews. This guy was talking about Clinton and Obama in New Hampshire and bloviating on what the outcome would be. He obviously loves Obama cause all he can do is talk about how awful Clinton would be. He goes on to say ~I am not making this up~ he says that the only reason Hillary Clinton got elected to the Senate is because Bill cheated on her. Wait, it gets better. He says the only reason she gets votes is that she was cheated on. Really.

Take just a minute to think about this. Chris Matthews just insulted every person in the state of New York that voted for her. He just insulted any person that is a Hillary supporter. He's saying all those people care so little about the issues that they would vote for a woman simply because they feel sorry for her. Where's the outrage??? Why is he not being made a pariah, ala Don Imus??

I'll tell you why. Chris Matthews is a left wing loony who works for the MOST left leaning biased network in the history of Media. He's a poster boy. Let me tell you, if Ann Coulter said anything close to that, she would be public enemy #1.

Every one of you know that I am no Hillary fan. If Obama is the devil, well, she's his sister. But, I don't think it's fair to degrade all of her supporters like that. It's just petty playground insults. Of course, if you try to engage a liberal in a true political discourse, they can't keep up and have to fall back to this kind of tactic. Try it and see for yourself.

I don't know if I will get to post tomorrow, as I am on the road right now. But, as soon as I can I am going to make a post about socialized healthcare. Both Hillary and Obama are talking about it as something they want to do. It may sound great, but it's not. It's scary as hell. I have friends in Canada that live with this nightmare. So, I will do my best to lay it out for you!

Peace, love, and GOD,